Download now and start your free trial
We are a fair trade - take a peak on the price list and know our expenses up front
billed monthly
Removes usage limits and watermarks
Automatic verse summary
Fast verse navigation
Themes are paid extra
$1.99, $2.99, $4.99
Stream displays are paid extra
best price
billed yearly, save $5.89
Same as monthly subscription
Save $5.89 with yearly subsciption
Best Value
one time purchase
Limited offer
All current and future features of the app
All Themes included
Stream displays included
You do not need a PC/MAC to run VerseCAST
VerseCAST runs even on older Android/iOS devices and connects to any AndroidTV, Google Chromecast or any other device with a web browser (Smart TV’s and Projectors). Anything else can be made Google Cast capable using an inexpensive 50$ Google Chromecast TV HDMI dongle.
Prices might vary based on location and platform and might drop as low as $0 for selected set of countries
Purchases and subscriptions are processed as in app purchases
Monthly and Yearly subscription renew automatically but you can cancel any time
A demo version can be used to prepare sermon slides
Trial/Demo version limits slide count and functionality
Advanced features can be evaluated for possible integration but might contain watermarks