Your online Audience matters
Your stream viewers need to know what's happening on the screen. Add a subtitle display to your stream with just a few easy steps.
Basic setup
VerseCAST provides additional displays that you can add to your Sunday service stream as a webpage running on VerseCAST presenter device. You just need to set a web browser as a screen source in your streaming software.
Follow these steps to set everything up.
The device running VerseCAST needs to have static IP address within your local network. This is necessary so your display URL won't change every time you reconnect to your WiFi.
This is a limitation of internet protocols and hardware.
Please remember that the streaming device and VerseCAST presenter need to be on the same network.
The WiFi adapter on the device running VerseCAST has a unique name that you need to provide to your network administrator.
On your device go to "Settings" > "WiFi" and click the (i) icon next to the WiFi you are connecting to.
Disable "Private Wi-Fi Address"
Write down the information in "Wi-Fi Address" field
Write down the information in “IP Address” field
Tap "Privacy" > And set to "Use device MAC address"
Write down information in "MAC address" field
Write down information in “IPv4 address” field
This part is for your WiFi /network administrator (not the internet provider) - he is the one to be making this change!
Go to the configuration page of your WiFi router. The URL (something like or, Login and Password can usually be found on the bottom sticker of your WiFi router.
Add new rule in DHCP section of your router - Search for ”Fixed IP Address”, “Static IP” or “Address reservation”
Click Add/New (or similar)
provide the "MAC address" you wrote down in the previous step.
provide IP address you wrote down i previous step.
Make sure that the rule is enabled
You might be asked to restart your router.
Reconnect to the WiFi and wait for the change to take effect.
In VerseCAST go to "Menu" > "Displays"
Tap on the stream you would like to use to copy the URL.
Main presentation: Main presentation with Theme
Stream monitor: Subtitles for the stream with Alpha transparency
Stream monitor with chroma: Subtitles for the stream with Chroma Key transparency
Give the URL to your stream team.
Every main streaming software on the market allows you to use a web browser URL to add to your stream.
For more information on specific software, see the sections below.
Note: VerseCAST must be running when your streaming software starts.
click "Add Input" > "Web Browser"
paste the stream URL
enable browser screen in you main window
make sure that the browser screen is on top
Go to "Sources" tap (+)
select "Browser"
fill source name and click OK
Fill stream URL to the URL field.
leave "Shutdown source" and "Refresh browser" NOT checked.